Burn-out & Trauma therapie

On the limbo of meeting parents when doing IoPT
The topic of today is:
On the limbo of meeting parents when doing IoPT
In IoPT we become aware of the perpetrator parts of our parents. How do we integrate that into daily life, when we still have to meet our parents?
I like to start with looking at:
- What do we actually see in an IoPT process
- How can we integrate that?
How is it for you to meet your parents, what do you have to process internally. And what do we tell our clients if they ask us what to do.
I will prepare a small presentation on the topic, with my views on it.
This is only the entrance to create a space to discuss this. To look how you feel about this, what do you encounter. And then to share with peers and learn what others have met in this.
I will write something down about this and share it with you afterwards, including the presentation.
The Zoom link is in your 'digital product'. If you missed the download button for the digital product, please contact me.
The normal IoPT rules apply in this workshop, if you join, you agree to this without notice to the contrary.
It is assumed that you master the basic skills of Zoom.
- Location: Zoom
- Date: Wednesday February 12th 2025
- Time: 10:00-12:00 CET
- Type: Workshop
- Language: English
aantal is niet beschikbaar...

Venus Constellations op TV
Met schroom en trots wil ik vertellen over ‘me laten zien’.
In oktober 2022 werd ik gebeld door SBS6, ze zochten iemand die wat over trauma therapie kan vertellen. Ik voelde me gevleid en werd ingezogen in het enthousiaste verhaal van de dame aan de telefoon. Dingen geregeld en datum geprikt voor opnames: op 29 oktober komen 2 mensen en ze hebben 3 uur om je mooi op de film te zetten. Het filmpje gaat 2 minuten duren. Je krijgt het filmpje met alle rechten.
Super, en dan...
Muriel Venus | VenusConstellations
Trauma Therapie Utrecht
T. +31 (0)6 81 46 1000
Hollandse Toren 31
3511 BN Utrecht
Een afspraak kan in overleg gemaakt worden, ik ben niet aan kantoortijden gebonden.